Logic for data science is a research group at the Alan Turing Institute of data science.

The field of logic, at the crossing of mathematics, philosophy, and computer science, has proved in the last decades a powerful tool in understanding complex systems. It is instrumental in the development of formal methods, whose applications include security, databases, program and systems verification, and program analysis.

We have on the one hand formal methods and on the other hand machine learning. The former are mathematically based techniques obsessing on hard guarantees, while the latter rely on statistical approaches to give practical solutions. These two mindsets should not be kept apart: we aim at developing formal methods integrating machine learning techniques. In this endeavour we are looking at bringing together expertise from various fields of formal methods, such as logic, automata learning, stochastic control, database, and process algebra, to try and understand the opportunities offered by machine learning approaches in formal methods.

The long-term objective is to give logical foundations to the emerging field of data science and support the design and engineering of trustworthy data systems.

The activities are communicated on the dedicated mailing list.


We are organising the one-day event Learning and Verification on November 15th 2019 at UCL.

Alexander Clark will be visiting the Turing between September and December 2018.

We are organising the FOPSS summer school on Logic and Learning on July 1st to 6th 2018 in Oxford.

We associate with Marta Kwiatkowska in organising a workshop called "Summit on Machine Learning Meet Formal Methods" as part of FLOC, see the official webpage.

Prakash Panangaden will be visiting the Turing between May and June 2018.

Laurent Doyen will be a Rutherford Visiting Fellow visiting the Turing and University of Warwick starting from March 2018.

We organised a workshop called Logic and Learning on January 11th and 12th 2018 at the Turing.



CNRS researcher in LaBRI, Bordeaux, and Research fellow at the Alan Turing Institute, affiliated with University of Warwick. Honorary senior research associate in the PPLV group at UCL.


Professor of Information, Logic, and Security at UCL. Head of Programming Principles, Logic, and Verification (PPLV). Turing Fellow and UCL University Liaison Director, Alan Turing Institute


Seminar series


Visiting researchers